Hey, guys. It's unfortunate for me to say that I will no longer be making any NSFW related content. I don't feel like doing it anymore. Originally I had comissions open, but no customers. Also, I want to point out that it's most likely for the best since I noticed that some of the people that follow me might not even be 18 at all, which is something I WILL NOT TOLERATE!!! It's stuff like that that made me enforce the rule of age verification last year. You guys following me or sending me messages can put me in a very risky position, and that is NOT okay!! Other than that, I have always felt being an NSFW artist has been a negative impact in my mental health and overall life in general, due to me finding a way to earn money, and drawing all night to get publicity during the pandemic, which is something I know that multiple OnlyFans users have felt as well. I don't want to have a past of drawing porn on my resume, and I want to move forward to making family-friendly content. As of now, I'm sorry to say that I might be walking in the sunset with this account as well. But the good news is that my upcoming game will be on another account made specifically for safe work. I'll keep it a secret until the time comes, which may take awhile, (maybe a few years). Stay tuned for that. Until then, later!
Its Very Unfortunate To Hear I Wish You The Best